>  Curriculum  > 교육신청  >  S8 Cat.B
S8 Cat.B

Fundamentals of Chart Composition(해도제작의 기초)


연수과정 Fundamentals of Chart Composition(해도제작의 기초)
연수기간 수강인증일로부터 50일
이수시간 19H 연수대상 일반인
모집정원 21 연수비 무료

과정세부내용 및 소개

강사명 Deborah Livingston
강의목표 Introducing about nautical chart and ENC(Electronic Navigation Chart) that essential elements for safe sailing of vessels. And studying for principle of cartography using the concept of ENC data and chart edition. In addition, figure out basic concept of ENC and nautical chart thought learning of products update methods.


차시 목차
1 The Use of Nautical Chart and Publications
2 The International Framework
4 The Design of Charts and ENCs
5 Source Material for Charts and ENCs
6 How charts are constructed
7 Practical Geodesy for Charts and ENCs
8 Evaluation of Bathymetric Surveys
9 Sounding Selection
10 Introducing S-57 and ENC Production
11 Data Creation and Editing
12 Validating ENC Data
13 Methods of Updating
14 Notices to Mariners
15 Notice to Mariners Block Exercise